Though He Seemeth Sleeping PDF Cross Stitch Chart


Though He Seemeth Sleeping PDF Cross Stitch Chart

Dark the night and wild the wave,
Christ the boat is keeping,
Trust in Him and have no fear,
Though He seemeth sleeping.
Emily M Bestwick Aged 11 1874

I have included inside this chart four color ways of floss that you can mix to get your perfect palette and four linens for you to choose from. Dive into your stash or shop from your favorite needlework store and join us at Lucy Beam - Though He Seemeth Sleeping SAL Group on Facebook for this perpetual stitch a long. It has been my privilege and honor to reproduce this timely message for you to put to needle and thread.

I have pulled eighty different colors from four different floss providers. Mix these to create your own color palette!

©Lucy Beam
Lucy Beam - Though He Seemeth Sleeping SAL Group on Facebook
lucybeamthreads on Instagram

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